Please read carefully, so you don't have error after adding new motel, make sure you don't have any syntax error, or forgot to put a " , " on your config file
Here's some example to do that.
['cool_motel'] = {
label = "Motel Name",
rent = {
coords = vector4(290.25, -268.96, 54.0, 338.77) -- rent coords, must be vector 4, this is where the guy stand
price = 10, -- Motel prices
motel = {
["cool:1"] = { --motel index [MUST BE UNIQUE]
enter = vector4(286.91, -266.79, 54.0, 339.62), -- coords where you enter the motel
label = "Cool 1", -- Motel label, example Pinkcage 1 that mean Pinkcage room 1
locked = true, -- Don't touch it
owned = false, -- Don't touch it
For this one you need more effort
Here's some example
['pinkcage'] = {
label = "Pinkcage",
mlo = true, -- You need to set this to true if you use mlo
rent = {
coords = vector4(325.03, -229.67, 54.22, 155.9) -- Coords where the guy stand
price = 110,
motel = {
["pinkcage:1"] = { -- motel index, must be unique, and same with doorlock id
enter = vec3(306.848938, -213.674500, 54.371540), -- door coords, you can take it on your doorlock config
locked = true, -- Don't touch it
label = "Pinkcage 1", -- Your motel label
owned = false, -- Don't touch it
logout = { -- This is where you can logout your character (with target)
coords = vector3(303.58, -209.14, 54.27),
width = 0.4,
height = 0.4,
name = "pinkcage:1:logout",
heading = 334,
stash = { -- Where you can open your stash (PolyZone)
coords = vector3(306.87, -208.27, 54.23),
width = 1.6,
height = 1.8,
name = "pinkcage:1:stash",
outfit = { -- Where you can open your outfit (PolyZone)
coords = vector3(302.43, -206.77, 54.23),
width = 1.8,
height = 1.4,
name = "pinkcage:1:outfit",
Make sure your doorlock id and motel index are the same