
Configure the target

On version 1.0.1 you can configure your target for each motel.

Default Config

Config.Target = {
    stash = false,
    logout = true,
    outfit = false

Motel Config you can set the target per motel or it'll use the default config above

Target = {
    stash  = false,
    logout = true,
    outfit = false


Config.Icon = {
    stash = 'fas fa-briefcase',
    outfit = 'fas fa-tshirt',
    logout = 'fas fa-user',
    rent = 'fas fa-home',
    renew = 'fas fa-home',
    reclaim = 'fas fa-key',
    reset = 'fas fa-key',
    cancel = 'fas fa-ban'

You can change the icon as you need with fontawesome

Last updated